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Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Estimated Due Date:

Today's Information About Your Baby:

Weekly Baby Size Image:

Weekly Baby Size

Pregnancy Progress:

Pregnancy Due Date Calculator

Pregnancy is an incredible journey, keeping track of its various stages is essential for both expectant parents and healthcare providers. One valuable tool that aids in this process is the pregnancy due date calculator. All the information about this tool is given below which will help you in understanding this tool.

Understanding the Tool:


The Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is designed to estimate the due date of a pregnancy based on the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) and the average menstrual cycle length.

Key Features:

  • Input for LMP date and average menstrual cycle length.
  • Real-time calculation of the estimated due date.
  • Display additional information about the baby’s development and pregnancy progress.

User Interaction:

Input Data:

Users input the first day of their last menstrual period and the average length of their menstrual cycle. These parameters are crucial for accurate due date estimation.

Calculate Due Date:

The ‘Calculate Due Date’ button triggers the JavaScript function, which processes the input data, calculates the due date, and updates the display with relevant information.

Providing Information:

Estimated Due Date:

The tool promptly presents the estimated due date in a user-friendly format, enhancing the user’s understanding of their pregnancy timeline.

Baby Information:

Additional information about the baby’s development is displayed, including the number of weeks and months into the pregnancy. This feature adds a personal touch and helps parents connect with their growing child. It also gives a feeling of happiness that only so many more days/months are left.

Weekly Baby Size Images:

The tool includes visual representations of the baby’s size at different stages, using creative images that make the process more engaging for parents.

Pregnancy Progress Bar:

A progress bar visually reports the user’s percentage of pregnancy progress, showing how far they have come in the 40-week journey.


In conclusion, the Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is a valuable tool for expectant parents, providing not only the estimated due date but also insightful information about the baby’s development and the progress of the pregnancy. Its user-friendly interface, coupled with dynamic scripting and engaging visuals, makes it an essential companion for those navigating the beautiful journey of pregnancy.

Note: If you face any problems in running our tool or you feel that some more features should be added to this tool, then please contact us.


  • What is a Pregnancy Due Date Calculator?

A Pregnancy Due Date Calculator is a tool designed to estimate the expected delivery date of a pregnancy based on factors such as the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) and the average length of the menstrual cycle.

  • How accurate are Due Date Calculators?

Due Date Calculators provide a reasonably accurate estimate, but the actual delivery date can vary. They are most accurate when the menstrual cycle is regular.

  • What information do I need to use a Due Date Calculator?

Users typically need to input the first day of their last menstrual period (LMP) and the average length of their menstrual cycle.

  • Can Due Date Calculators predict the exact date of delivery?

While Due Date Calculators provide an estimate, predicting the exact delivery date is challenging due to individual variations and unforeseen factors.

  • Why is the first day of the last menstrual period important for the calculation?

The first day of the last menstrual period is used as a reference point because it is typically easier for individuals to recall than the date of conception.

  • Do Due Date Calculators work for all pregnancies?

Due Date Calculators are generally effective for pregnancies with regular menstrual cycles. For irregular cycles or medical conditions, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.

  • How does the tool calculate the estimated due date?

The tool calculates the due date by adding 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of the last menstrual period and adjusting for variations in the menstrual cycle length.

  • What additional information does the tool provide besides the due date?

In addition to the estimated due date, the tool often provides information about the baby’s development, weekly size comparisons, and a pregnancy progress indicator.

  • Can Due Date Calculators be used at any stage of pregnancy?

Due Date Calculators are most accurate when used in the early stages of pregnancy, ideally within the first trimester.

  • What should I do if my calculated due date differs from the doctor’s estimate?

It’s not uncommon for due date estimates to vary. If there’s a significant difference, it’s recommended to discuss it with your healthcare provider, who may perform additional assessments for a more accurate prediction.


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