Muslim Baby Boy Names From A-Z

Updated on April 13, 2024 by Saurabh Chandwar

Muslim Baby Boy Names Start From A To Z Alphabets

Muslim Baby Boy Names From A-Z

Muslim Baby Boy Names Start From A

Name of the angel- denotes an angel of iron
AabdarBright- Like glass
AabidOne who is a true worshipper of Allah
AadabRespect- Hope and need
AadamThe first prophet of Allah
AadeelIt means ‘just’ or ‘upright’
AadheenObedient- Submissive
AadhilA person who is virtuous with excellent character Aadhil also means one whose actions are just and fair
AadroopAadroop means embodiment of the Sun
AafanTo Forgive
AafreenEncouragement- Praise- Blessing
AaftabIt is used to mean the brilliance of the Sun
AaghaPre-eminent- Master- Chief- Elder brother- Another name for Allah
AakiAutumn- Bright
AakibAllah Gift
AakifAttached- Intent
AalamThe universe- The whole world
Aalee/AaliSublime- Lofty- High- Tall- Excellent- Noble
Aalima man of wise learning
AamanThe man who protects with no fear
AamilInvaluable- Inaccessible- Exalted- Doer
AamirPopulous full prosperous
AaqibAnother name of prophet Muhammad Follower
AaqilA wise and intelligent person
AaraizRain bearing cloud
AarfFragrance- Aroma- Perfume
AaribHandsome- Healthy
AarifAcquainted knowledgable
AarisThe brave character who stands up for his faith and belief
AarishFirst ray of Sun- Sky
AarizRespectable man intelligent- one who is a leader or a ruler
AarmanHope or desire- Army Man- Wish
AarzamWar- Battle- Quarrel
Aarzoo/AarzuWish- Hope- Love

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AasaalEvening time- Real- Pure
AashimLimitless- Protecter
AashiqAdorer- Lover- Suitor
Aashiq AliAdorer of Ali
Aashiq MuhammadAdorer of the prophet Muhammad
AashirLiving- Captivating- Fascinating
AasifBold- Courageous- An able minister- Forgiveness
AasirCaptivating- Fascinating- Devout- Active
AasmanHeaven- Sky
AatifUnited- Joined- Together
AatiqAncient- Noble
AatishFire- Conflagration
AaufFragrance- Lion
AausName of a tree
AayanSomeone who is religiously inclined- Gift of Allah
AazadFree- Independent
AazanCall for the prayer
AazimFamous- On the top- Heights- Greatest- Determined
Name of eighth month of Persian calendar- Clear eloquent
AbahatCorrect- Accurate
AbahhNick name of Al-Abahh
Aban8th month of Persian calendar- Clear eloquent
AbasinThe Indus river
AbbadA great worshiper of Allah
Description of a lion
AbboodDevoted worshipper of Allah
Servant- Devotee- Slave
Abd Al-AlaSlave of the high
Abd KhayrKhayr is all kinds of goodness
AbdahNick name of Abdur – Rehman
AbdalSlave of the high
Abdalla/AbdallahA servant of Allah
AbdalrahmanServant of the merciful one
AbdanIs derived from Abd- A Man
AbdarGlittering with water- wealthy
AbdealiFollower of Ali
AbdelServant (of allah)
AbdellahA servant of Allah
Abdu LrazzadHe who obeys his provider
Abdu- RashidThe one who serves his teacher
Abdud DaarServant of the depriver
AbdulServant of Allah
Abdul AakhirServant of the last
Abdul AaleeServant of the highest
Abdul AdalServant of the just
Abdul AdheemServant of the greatest
Abdul AdilServant of ‘The One’ who acts justly- Servant of ‘the One’ who is fair honest and just
Abdul AdlSlave of the just
Abdul AfuwSlave of the one who pardons
Abdul AhadSlave of he who is one (Allah)
Abdul AleemServant of the all-knowing- Servant of the omniscient
Abdul AliServant of the highest
Abdul AlimServant of the all-knowing- Servant of the omniscient
Abdul AsifKnowledge
Abdul AwwalSlave of the first one
Abdul AzeezThe powerful- Servant of the mighty
Abdul AzibKnowledge
Abdul AzimServant of the mighty
Abdul AzizServant of the Might One (Allah)
Abdul BaaqiServant of the everlasting- Slave of the eternal
Abdul BaariServant of the creator- Slave of the creator
Abdul BaasitServant of the expander- Extender
Abdul Badee/Abdul BadiSlave of the originator- Servant of the incomparable
Abdul BaithSlave of the one who raises the death
Abdul BaqiServant of the everlasting- Slave of the eternal
Abdul BariServant of the creator- Slave of the creator
Abdul BarrServant of the source of goodness
Abdul BaseerServant of the all seeing
Abdul BasirServant of the all seeing
Abdul BasitServant of the expander- Extender
Abdul BatinServant of the inward
Abdul DhahirServant of the manifest
Abdul FattahSlave of the giver of victory
Abdul GhaffarServant of the all-forgiving
Abdul GhafoorServant of the forgiver
Abdul GhafurServant of the forgiver
Abdul GhaniServant of the self sufficient
Abdul HaafizServant of the guardian (Allah)- Servant of the protector
Abdul HadiServant of the Guide (Allah)
Abdul HafeedhServant of the preserver
Abdul HafizServant of the guardian (Allah)- Servant of the protector
Abdul HakamServant of the arbitrator
Abdul HakimServant of the wise one
Abdul HalimServant of the forbearing one- Servant of the patient one
Abdul HamidServant of the praiseworthy- The ever praised
Abdul HannanSlave of the merciful
Abdul HaqServant of the truth (Allah)
Abdul HaqqOne who serves the truth
Abdul HaseebServant of the respected- Esteemed
Abdul HassanThe son of Ali
Abdul HayySlave of the living
Abdul JabaarServant of the mighty
Abdul JabarServant of the mighty
Abdul JabbarServant of the compeller
Abdul JalilServant of the great- Revered- Servant of the exalted (Allah)
Abdul JameServant of the gatherer
Abdul JawwadSlave of the bountiful
Abdul KabirSlave of the great
Abdul KafiServant of the all-sufficient (Allah)
Abdul KareemServant of the noble- Generous one
Abdul KarimServant of the Most Gracious (Allah)
Abdul KhabirSlave of the one who is aware
Abdul KhafizServant of the descender
Abdul KhaliqServant of the creator
Abdul LatifServant of the kind- All-gentle (Allah)
Abdul MaajidSlave of the excellence- Servant of the glorious- Servant of the noble
Abdul MaalikServant of the owner (Allah)- Servant of the king (Allah)
Abdul MaaneServant of the withholder
Abdul MajeedA gracious servant of Allah
Abdul MajidSlave of the excellence- Servant of the glorious- Servant of the noble
Abdul MalikServant of the owner (Allah)- Servant of the king (Allah)
Abdul ManiSlave of one who prevents
Abdul MannanSlave of the benefactor
Abdul MateenSlave of the firm- Servant of the active (Allah)
Abdul MatinA devotee who serves the most powerful and strong Allah
Abdul MoakhirServant of the retarder
Abdul MoezServant of the honored
Abdul MohsiServant of the surrounded
Abdul MomitServant of the death-giver
Abdul MoqitServant of the energiser
Abdul MubdiServant of the originator
Abdul MueedServant of the restorer
Abdul MughniServant of the enricher
Abdul MuhaiminSlave of the protector
Abdul MuhayminIt is an Islamic name that means slave of Allah
Abdul MuhsiServant of the reckoner
Abdul MuhsinSlave of the benefactor
Abdul MuhyeeSlave of the one who gives life and sustains it
Abdul MuidServant of the restorer
Abdul MuizSlave of the honored
Abdul MujibServant of the responsive- Servant of the answerer
Abdul MuminServant of the guardian of faith
Abdul MunimServant of the benefactor (Allah)
Abdul MuntaqimServant of the revenger
Abdul MuqaddemIt is  one of the names of Allah’s and Abdul Muqaddem implies slave of the Almighty Allah
Abdul MuqaddimServant of the promoter
Abdul MuqeetSlave of the sustainer
Abdul MuqsitSlave of the just
Abdul MuqtadirA person who assists a powerful and strong person
Abdul MusawwirMusawwir stands for Servant of the most powerful Allah
Abdul MutaalServant of the highest
Abdul MutaaliA gracious servant of Allah
Abdul MutakabbirServant of the superb
Abdul MutaliServant of the highest Allah
Abdul MutiSlave of the giver
Abdul MuttalibSlave of the one who seeks
Abdul MuzanniName of the narrator of Hadith
Abdul NafiSlave of the propitious
Abdul NaseerSlave of the helper
Abdul NasserHe is known to be the Servant Of The Victorious One
Abdul NihabKnowledge
Abdul Nur/NoorSlave of the one who is light- Servant of the light
Abdul QaadirServant of the capable- Servant of the powerful (Allah)
Abdul QabizServant of the withholder
Abdul Qadeer/QadirServant of the capable- Servant of the powerful (Allah)
Abdul QahaarServant of the subduer- The Almighty
Abdul QahharServant of the subduer
Abdul QahirServant of the subduer (Allah)
Abdul QaiyoumServant of the self-sustaining
Abdul QawiA strong devotee of the Mighty Islam
Abdul QayyumSlave of the self-subsistent
Abdul QuddusServant of the all-holy (Allah)
Abdul QudoosServant of the holiest
Abdul RaafiOne who raises intellect- Esteem- One who elevates- Slave of the exalter
Abdul RabbSlave of the Lord
Abdul RafiOne who raises intellect- Esteem- One who elevates- Slave of the exalter
Abdul Raheem/RahimServant of the most compassionate- Slave of the compassionate
Abdul RahmanServant of the Magnificent (Allah)
Abdul RaoufServant of the most merciful
Abdul RaqibSlave of the vigilant
Abdul RasheedServant of the one who correctly guide
Abdul RashidSlave of the all right-minded personality
Abdul RaufServant of the merciful
Abdul RazaaqServant of the maintainer- The provider
Abdul SalaamA great personality who helps the peaceful and calm one
Abdul SameeHe who voice can be heard by the Allah
Abdul SattarHe who serves the protector of man
Abdul ShakoorServant of the all-thankful
Abdul TawaabHe who serves the forgiving Allah
Abdul TawwabSlave of the acceptor of repentance- The relenting
Abdul VajedServant of the finder
Abdul VakashKnowledge
Abdul VakilServant of the implementor
Abdul WaahidServant of the one- Servant of Allah
Abdul WaajidServant of the finder- Slave of the finder- Perceiver
Abdul WaaliSlave of the governor- Servant of the comrade
Abdul WaaseServant of the vast
Abdul WadoodServant of the loving
Abdul WadudA loving servant of his Allah
Abdul WahhabOne who serves master well and sincerely
Abdul WahidServant of the one- Servant of Allah
Abdul WajidServant of the finder- Slave of the finder- Perceiver
Abdul WakilIt means an act of serving Allah
Abdul WaliThe servant or slave of the comrade
Abdul WaliySlave of the protecting friend
Abdul WarisServant of the survivor
Abdul WarithServant of the supreme inheritor
Abdul WaseeA servant who understands and does work in a comprehensive manner
Abdul WasiSlave of the all embracing
AbdulaakhirHe who does not change as the world messes his life
Abdul-adheemOne who serves the Greatest Power
AbduladlThe servant of the unique lord
AbdulafuwOne who is the servant of the forgiving master
Abdul-AhadServant of the one
Abdul-AlimServant of the omniscient
AbdulaliyyA man who is respected and dignified 
Abdul-AliyyServant of the most high
AbdulazazA great servant of the almighty Allah
Abdul-AzeezServant of the mightythe powerful
Abdul-AzimServant of the mighty
Abdul-AzizServant of the powerful one
Abdul-baaqiServant of the everlasting Allah
Abdul-BaariServant of the creator
AbdulbaasitA mythological character \who shows traits of the creator
AbdulbadeeThe one who begins life and traditions
Abdul-BadiServant of the incomparable
Abdul-BariServant of the creator
AbdulbarrHonored to serve the great one
Abdul-BasirServant of the all-seeing
Abdul-BasitServant of the extender
AbdulfataahA servant of solid character
AbdulfattahOne who defeats his enemies
Abdul-FattahServant of the opener (of the gates of sustenance)
AbdulghaffarAbdul mean ‘servant of Allah’ and Ghaffar means ‘merciful’
Abdul-GhaffarServant of the forgiver
AbdulghafoorHe who loves to serve the merciful master
Abdul-GhafoorServant of the forgiver
AbdulghaniOne who is dignified and helps all 
Abdul-HaafizServant of the protector
Abdul-HadiServant of the guide
AbdulhadyIt is an Arabic name that is used to mean Allah
AbdulhafeezThe protector of his master
AbdulhafidOne who serves the protector
AbdulhafizHe who serves the Allah’s defender
Abdul-HafizServant of the protector
AbdulhakamHe who works for the judge
Abdul-HakamServant of the arbitrator
Abdulhakeem Abdulhakeem means servant of the kind man
AbdulhakimA person who is wise and benevolent
Abdul-HakimServant of the wise one
AbdulhaleemHe who serves the patient master
Abdul-HalimServant of the mild patient one
Abdul-HameedServant of the praiseworthy- the ever-praised
Abdul-HamidServant of the praised one
Abdul-HaqqServant of the truth
Abdul-HaseebServant of the respected- esteemed
AbdulhasibServant of the respected one
Abdul-HasibServant of the respected esteemed
Abdul-Jabbar/JabaarServant of the mighty
Abdul-JaleelServant of the great- revered
Abdul-JalilServant of the great revered one
AbduljameThe one who serves the farmer
AbdulkabirHelper to the most great Allah
AbdulkareemSlave of the generous Allah
Abdul-KarimServant of the noble generous one
AbdulkawiThe one who can search for new ideas
Abdul-KhaaliqServant of the creator
AbdulkhafizThe person who supports the blessed one
AbdulkhaliqHe who follows the creator
Abdul-KhaliqServant of the creator
AbdullA servant of Allah
AbdullaVariation abdullah
AbdullahServant of Allah-The father of Prophet Muhammad
AbdullateefOne who serves a kind and noble man
Abdul-LatifServant of the kind one
AbdulmaalikThe servant if the Master of mankind
AbdulmagidThe famous devotee of the Lord
Abdul-MajidServant of the glorious one
Abdul-MalikServant of the master (or king)
AbdulmannanThe servant of the generous one
AbdulmateenServant of the firm and strong one
Abdul-MatinServant of the firm strong
Abdul-mueidServant of the restorer- Allah
Abdul-MuhaiminServant of the supervising the guardian the protector
AbdulmuhayminThe one who serves the guardian of life
AbdulmuhsenOne who stands by the truth
AbdulmuhsiThe slave of the special one
AbdulmuhsinHe who serves the supporters of society
AbdulmuhyiOne who sacrifices his life for all
AbdulmuizHe who sacrifices life for almighty
Abdulmu’izzHe who is worthy of praise
Abdul-Mu’izzServant of the giver of might and glory
AbdulmujahidThe one who is responsible for his actions
AbdulmujeebServant of the Allah- the one who  answers prayers
Abdul-MujibServant of the responder
AbdulmuminThe one who guards his faith
Abdul-Muta’alServant of the most high
AbdulnafiThe one who serves the person favored by Allah
AbdulnaseerHe who is helpful
Abdul-NasirServant of the helper protector
Abdul-NasserServant of the victorious one
Abdul-QaadirServant of the capable
Abdul-QadirServant of the capable powerful
AbdulqahaarOne who is devotee of Allah
Abdul-QahaarServant of the subduerthe almighty
AbdulqahharThe one who prays to Allah sincerely
Abdul-QahharServant of the subduer the almighty
AbdulqawiThe strong and dignified servant of Allah
Abdul-QawiServant of the most powerful
AbdulqayyumThe one who loves his Creator
AbdulquddusThe perfect follower of Allah
Abdul-QuddusServant of the most holy
Abdul-QudoosServant of the most holy
AbdulrabbHe who serves his Creator with no qualms
AbdulrafiOne who serves the prestigious people
Abdul-RafiServant of the one who raises elevates (intellect esteem)
Abdul-RaheemServant of the most compassionate
Abdul-RahimServant of the most compassionate one
AbdulrahmanSlave of the merciful Allah
Abdul-RahmanServant of the merciful one
Abdul-Raouf/Ra’ufServant of the most merciful
Abdul-RashidServant of the rightly guided one
Abdul-RazzaqServant of the maintainer- the provider
Abdul-SaburServant of the patient
Abdul-SalaamServant of the peace
Abdul-SalamServant of the peace
Abdul-SamadServant of the eternal
Abdul-SamiServant of the all-hearing
Abdul-ShakurServant of the most thankful
Abdul-TawwabServant of the forgiver
Abdul-WaahidServant of the one
Abdul-Wadood/WadudServant of the loving
Abdul-WahhabServant of the giver
Abdul-WahidServant of the one
AbdulwarithHe who helps the the master
Abdun NaafeServant of the giver of gains
Abdun NasirServant of the helper (Allah)
Abdun NoorServant of the light
AbdunnoorA muslim boy’s name meaning brilliant one
Abdur RabServant of the Lord (Allah)
Abdur RafiServant of the exalted (Allah)
Abdur Raheem/RahimServant of the most merciful
Abdur RaoofServant of the compassionate
Abdur RaqeebServant of the watchful
Abdur Rasheed/RashidServant of the right-minded- Slave of the guide
Abdur RaufServant of the compassionate
Abdur RazzaqServant of the provider
Abdur-raqeebServant of the watchful Allah
AbdusA narrator of Hadith
Abdus SabourServant of the patient
Abdus SaburSlave of the forbearing
Abdus SalamServant of the all-peaceable
Abdus SamadServant of the eternal
Abdus SameeiServant of the all-hearing
Abdus SamiServant of the all-hearing (Allah)
Abdus SattarSlave of the one who conceals faults
Abdus ShafiSlave of the healer
Abdus ShaheedServant of the witness- the Slave of the witness
Abdus ShakurServant of the appreciative
Abdus SubboohSlave of the extremely pure
Abdus SubhanServant of the glory (Allah)
Abdus SuboohSlave of the extremely pure
Abdush ShafiSlave of the healer
Abdush Shahid/ShaheedServant of the witness- the Slave of the witness
Abdus-smadSlave of the eternal Allah
Abdut TawwabServant of the most forgiving
Abduz ZahirSlave of the manifest

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AbediMuslim name that means worshipper
AbeedAbeed means a slave or a worshipper of Allah
AbeelHealthy- Vanity- Breath- Breathing
Gratitude or thankfulness
AbharThe one who is clever and and intellectual
Worshipper of Allah
AbidullahWorshipper of Allah
AbielAllah is my father
AbirFragrance- Strong- Auspicious red powder traditionally applied during the festival of Holi
AbisaliWarrior in Islam
Hail- Mail
AbrakThe blessed one
AbramNeed- Strong grip
AbrarPetty- Handsome
AbrashSpotted- Speckled
AbrazMost prominent- Most distinctive
AbreeqGlittering sword
Eyes- Vision- Sight
AbsatWide- Vast- Spacious
AbshamA tree which has a scent
AbsiAbdullah ibn-musa
Father of Faridoon a king
Abu al Khayr
One who does good
Abu AyyubA well-known sahabi
Abu BakrName of one of Muhammad’s companions
Abu DardaFamous Sahabi of Rasoolullah
Abu Dawud
AbudahDevoted to Allah
AbudainA devoted servant of Allah
AbulThe servant- The servant of Allah
Abul KhayrOne who does good
One whose face glows
A narrator of Hadith
AbyanVery clean
AbyazWhite- Pure
Seeds- Spice- Seeds Man- One who sows- The Persian scribe and memorizer of tradition Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name
Respect- Hope and need
AdamThe first human the first prophet
AdawiGrandson of Sayyindina Umer
Ad-DarrThe creator of the harmful
Ad-DÂrrThe afflicter
AddielA righteous man – one who is fair and just
AdeebA literary person- Cultured- Civilized
AdeebahOne who has excellent manners
AdeelJudge- Honest- Upright- Justice- Sincere- Just
AdeemRare- Great
AdheemRare- Great
AdibA literary person- Cultured- Civilized
AdinPleasure giver- Beautiful- Adorned- Noble of spirit
AdiyA companion of the prophet- Also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity- Also the son of Thabit had this name
AdnanProper name
AdutGift of Allah
Aduz ZahirSlave of the manifest
AdyanName of a prophet- A nabee
The place where earth & sky meet
AfanMuslim name that means growth or progress
AfdalExcellent remarkable
AfeefChaste modest
AffanName of Caliph Uthman’s father- Forgiving person
AfifChaste modest
AfjalMost excellent
AflahMost successful
AfnanBranch of a tree in heaven
AfradSingle- Unique
AfranNoble Man
AfrazQuintessence of fire
AfruzStanding tall like a mountain- Ability to withstand all that is thrashed upon it
AfshinShining star
AfzalMost excellent
Pre-eminent- Master- Chief- Elder brother- Another name for Allah
AgharrHandsome- Beautiful- Distinguished illustrious- Noble Magnanimous name of a companion of the prophet Bin al-muzan
AgrimAlways ahead
AhadAllah another name of Allah
Ahmad/AhmedMost highly adored or most praised- variation of the name Muhammad
AhnafName of one of the narrators of Hadith
AhrarHirakata Ahrar al-Sham al-Islamiyah
AhsanThe best the most beautiful- one who oozes with perfection- excellence
AhwasHaving narrow- Contracted- Squinting eyes
AhyanGift of Allah
AhzabA narrator of Hadith
Help- Intelligent
AidhName of a reciter of the holy Quran
AijazMiracle- Wondrous nature
AiliyahThe beautiful one to grow in peace and Love with Allah
AimanFaith- Fearless
AizazQuick-minded- Versatile and very expressive
AjamGreat and mighty
AjamilA mythological king
AjlahA narrator of Hadith had this name
AjmeerPresence of the foremost one
AjmerName of a city
AjwadMore generous
Big man
AkdasHoly- Pure
AkeemWise or insightful
AkhasA narrator of Hadith
AkhdanBest friend
AkhfashName of grammarian of the 8th / 9th century
AkhtarStar- Flower- Good man
AkifAttached- Intent
AkilIntelligent thoughtful one who uses reason
AkramMost generous
AkterA Star- Fragrance
AktharEid in pashto
AkyasWise- intelligent
Al Abbas
Description of a lion
Al- Mu’akhkhirThe delayer
Al- MuntaqimThe Lord of retribution- The avenger
Ala’ al dinNobility of faith
AlaaNobility- excellence
Alaa UdeenExcellence of religion
AladdinNobility of faith
Al-AdlThe just
Al-‘adlThe just- The equitable
Al-AfuThe forgiver
Al-‘afuwwThe pardoner
Al-AhadThe one
Al-Âkhir/AkhirThe last
Al-AliThe highest
Al-‘alÎm/AlimThe all-knowing
Al-‘aliyyThe highest
AlamThe universe- The whole world
AlamgirThe Lord of the whole world
Al-Ashiaffstrong stormy powerful fierce
AlawiDescendant of Hazrat Ali
Al-AwwalThe first
AlazaeAngle- Joy- Great happiness- Joyful
Al-AzimThe magnificent
Al-‘azÎmThe incomparably great
Al-AzizThe victorious
Al-‘azÎzThe mighty
Al-BadiThe originator
Al-BadÎThe originator
Al-BaithThe resurrector
Al-BÂ’ithThe resurrector
Al-BaqiThe immutable- The infinite- The everlasting
Al-BÂqÎThe everlasting
Al-BariThe maker of order
Al-BarrThe benign- The source of all-goodness
Al-BasirThe seer of all
Al-BasÎrThe all-seeing
Al-BasitThe reliever
Al-BÂsitThe expander
Al-BatinThe hidden one
Al-BÂtinThe hidden
AlfasPlural of lafz
Al-FattahThe Revealer The Granter of Success
Al-FattÂhThe opener- The judge
Al-GaffÂrThe subduer
Al-GafÛrThe forgiving
Al-GhaffarThe repeatedly forgiving
Al-GhafurThe much-forgiving
Al-GhaniThe rich- The independent
Al-GhaniyyThe all-sufficient
Al-HadiThe guide- The way
Al-HÂdÎThe guide
Al-HafizThe preserver
Al-HafÎzThe preserver
Al-HakamThe judge
Al-HakimThe perfectly wise
Al-HakÎmThe wise
Al-HalimThe forebearing
Al-HalÎmThe forbearing
Al-HamidThe praised one
Al-HamÎdThe all-praised- The praiseworthy
AlhanEloquence good voice
Al-HaqqThe truth
Al-HasibThe Reckoner The Accountant
Al-HasÎbThe reckoner
Al-HayyThe ever-living
AliThe highest greatest excellent noble
AlibabaGreat leader
AlifThe first character in hijaiyah
AlimWise or learned
AliyanHigh status- one who climbs upward- denotes sublime
AliyyThe highest greatest excellent noble
Al-JabbarThe irresistible- The compeller
Al-JabbÂrThe compeller
Al-JalilThe majestic
Al-JÂmeThe gatherer
Al-JamiThe gatherer
Al-KabirThe great
Al-KabÎrThe greatest
Al-KarimThe bountiful- The generous
Al-KhabirThe all-aware
Al-KhafidThe abaser
Al-KhaliqThe creator
AllamahEndowed with great knowledge
Al-LatifThe subtle one
Al-LatÎfThe gentle- The knower of subtleties
Al-MajidThe all-glorious- The majestic
Al-MajídThe majestic one
Al-MajÎdThe most glorious
Al-MÂjidThe glorified
Al-MalikThe king
AlmanKind- Willing and wiseman
Al-ManiThe preventer of harm
Al-MÂniThe preventer of harm
Al-MatinThe firm- The steadfast
Al-MatÎnThe firm one- The authoritative
Al-MuakhkhirThe delayer
Al-MubdiThe originator
Al-MudhillThe humiliator
Al-MughÎthThe sustainer
Al-MughniThe enricher- The emancipator
Al-MughnÎThe enricher
Al-MuhayminThe protector
Al-MuhsiThe appraiser
Al-MuhsÎThe reckoner
Al-MuhyiThe giver of life
Al-MuhyÎThe giver of life
Al-MuidThe restorer
Al-Mu’ÎdThe restorer to life
Al-MuizzThe bestower of honors
Al-Mu’izzThe bestower of honour
Al-MujibThe responsive- The answerer
Al-MuminThe granter of security
Al-MumÎt/MumitThe causer of death-The bringer of death
Al-MuntaqimThe Lord of retribution- The avenger
Al-MuqaddimThe expediter
Al-MuqitThe nourisher
Al-MuqsitThe just- The equitable
Al-MuqtadirThe powerful
Al-MusawwirThe bestower of form- The shaper
Al-MutaaliThe supreme one
Al-Muta’ÂlÎThe most imposing
Al-MutakabbirSupreme in greatness- The majestic
Al-MuzillThe giver of dishonor
Al-QabidThe constrictor
Al-QÂbidThe withholder
Al-QadirThe all-powerful- He who can do everything
Al-QÂdirThe omnipotent- The able
Al-QahharThe subduer
Al-QawiThe possessor of all strength
Al-QawiyThe strong
Al-QawiyyThe most strong
Al-QayyumThe subsisting- The independent
Al-QayyÛmThe self-existing by whom all subsist
Al-QuddusThe holy- The divine- The pure- The purifier
AltafMore delicate
AltairThe flying eagle- also refers to a first magnitude star in the constellation lyra
AltamashName of a famous king
AlthafMore delicate
AlulaFirst born
AlvanOne who has a fair complexion
AlviFan of Hazrat Ali
Al-WadudThe loving
Al-WadÛdThe loving one
Al-WahhabThe bestower
Al-WahhÂbThe bestower
Al-WahidThe only one
Al-WÂhidThe one
Al-WajidThe perceiver- The finder- The unfailing
Al-WÂjidThe self-sufficient- The all-perceiving
Al-WakilThe trustee- The dependable- The advocate
Al-WakÎlThe ultimate trustee- The disposer of affairs
Al-WaliThe friend- Patron and helper
Al-WalíThe protecting friend
Al-WÂlÎThe governor- The protector
Al-WaliyyThe protector
Al-Warith/WÂrithThe heir- The inheritor of all
Al-WÂsi/WasiThe all comprehending- The all encompassing- The all embracing

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AmaarOne who prays five times and fasts- Forever- Immortal
AmadMuch praised one of many names used to refer to the prophet Muhammad
AmalBright- Hope- Pure- Hardworking- Optimistic- Expectation- Brilliant- Another name for Narayana- Clean
AmamSafety- Protection
AmanahTrust- The gift
AmeenFaithful trustworthy
AmerRuler- Prince- Rich- Prosperous
AmilInvaluable- Inaccessible- Exalted- Doer
AminFaithful trustworthyDivine grace
AmiranRoyal- Prince
AmjadMore glorious
AmlahPretty- Handsome- Beautiful- Pleasant
AmmarBuilder constructor
AmrOld arabic name
AmshajMeans something that is mixed
AnamBlessing- One who blesses
AnamulEtymology- History- Personality
AnasA group of people
AnasahFreed slave of prophet
AndazIntention- Purpose- Guess- Measure- Opinion
AneeqValuable- Neat- Elegant- Smart
AneesClose friend
AnfalSpoils of war
AniqValuable- Neat- Elegant- Smart
AnisClose friend
An-NafiThe creator of good- The benefiter
An-NurThe light
AntarahFreed slave of sulaym
AnumThe Arabic origin name means ‘blessings of Allah’ ‘Allah’s favors upon humans’
AnwaarRays of light- Devote to Allah- More radiant
AnzarAngel of paradise
Holy- Pure
AqeelWise- Intelligent- Thoughtful- Sensible
AqibAnother name for Prophet Muhammad- successor- follower
AqilWise- Intelligent- Thoughtful- Sensible
Well spoken
ArabPeaceful- Sound- Shout
AradName of An Angel
ArafaName of a mountain close to Mecca
ArahaanWho knows everything
ArarLent Lily
ArashBright- Hero- Truthfulness- Dominion- Crown- Pure- Worshipped- Divine
ArbabWho looks after someone- Takes care
ArbadMasters- lords
ArdalanA Kurdish vassal
AreebSkillful- Adroit
AreejVictory- Triumphant- Success
AreenFull of joy- Mountain strength- Ireland- Peace- Sunray
AreezPleasant smell- Sweet smell- Fragrance- Friend
ArefWise- Intelligent
ArfahaWomen who recognizes Islam
ArhaanRuler- Tirthankara- Worship- Homage- Respect- Revered
ArhamMerciful- demotes compassionate
ArhanRuler- Tirthankara- Worship- Homage- Respect- Revered
ArifCorporal- aquainted knowledgable
ArinFull of joy- Mountain strength- Ireland- Peace- Sunray
ArishFirst ray of Sun- Sky
ArizRespectable Man- Intelligent
ArmaanWish- desire
ArmanHope or desire- Army Man- Wish
AroushFirst Ray of sunlight
ArqaA person noted for his refined taste in things
ArqamPen- Speckled snake
ArrafOne who is honored- Exalted
Ar-Râfi/RafiThe exalter
Ar-RahimThe merciful
Ar-RahmanThe most compassionate- The beneficent- The gracious
Ar-RaqÎb/RaqibThe watchful
Ar-RashidThe guide to the right path
Ar-RashÎdThe guide
Ar-RaufThe clement
Ar-RazzÂq/RazzaqThe provider
ArsalThe one who was sent
ArshDominion- crown-sky-pure
ArshadPious- Better guided- Honest
ArshaqHandsome- Well proportioned
ArtahA narrator of Hadith
ArvaArva means fastest motion wind
ArwarhMore delicate- More gracious
ArzhangName of a character in Shahnameh Shahnama is a long poem written by the Persian poet Ferdowsi
Happy and fortunate, Lion
AsadelMost prosperous one
AsarFourth prayer of the day- One who has wisdom
AsbaghColored animal- Huge flood- Dyer
AsbatA narrator of Hadith
AseedA narrator of Hadith
AsfarThe morning light
AsgharShort- Small- Junior
AshadLion- Severe- Excessive
AsharFourth prayer of the day- One who has wisdom
AsharfWithout grief
AshazOne in a million- Name of a Sahabi during the time of the prophet
AsherWise- Knowledgeable
AshfaqNoble prince
AshikLover- Lovable- Trustable
AshimLimitless shank- Boundless- Protector
AshkanName of the third dynsaty of Persian kings
AshmaanHeaven- Sky
AshmathCorrect path- The straight path
AshrafMost honorable
Ash-ShahÎd/ShahidThe witness
Ash-ShakurThe grateful
Ash-ShakÛrThe appreciative
AsimThe Arabic origin name means “shield” “protector” “guardian” “rescuer”
AsirCaptivating- Fascinating- Devout- Active
AsjidOne who prays to Allah
AsmarTan light-brown
AsrarA secret- Sacred relating to Islam
As-SabÛr/SaburThe patient one
As-SalamThe peace- The source of peace and safety
As-SamadThe eternally besought
As-SamiThe hearer of all
AssiBeautiful Goddess- Beautiful lady
Ata’ AllahGift of Allah
AtaubaqHandsome- Beautiful- Helpful- Generous and got a lot of love to share
AtaullahAllah gift
AteebVery pious
AtharNeat- Clean
AthazazUnknown- Mystery- Maze
AthierLion hearted
AtifCompassionate sympathetic
AtikAncient- Noble
AtiqAtiq means’ancient’
AtqaThe name of Arabic origin means ‘more Allah-conscious’ ‘most Allah-conscious’ ‘most Allah-fearing’
At-TawwabThe ever-returning- Ever-relenting
At-TawwÂbThe granter and accepter of repentence
AtubahSoft- Delicate
AvyakthaLaughter- Chandra (Moon)- Beautiful- Handsome- Grandson of prophet Mohammed
Reward compensation
AwmarThe one with a long life
AwradA youthful and rose looking child
AwsName of a tree
Someone who is religiously inclined- Gift of Allah
AyaazRespected and enduring
AyainNarrator- Quick minded
AyaminBlessed by the grace of Allah
AyanThe pathway to the Sun, Gift of God, Blessing
AyazRespected and enduring- A sincere slave of Mahmood- The king once upon a time
AybakIbn-Aybak was a leading historian
AydinPowerful able
Aymaan/AymanLucky- On the right
AynanThe Arabic name means “two springs” “two fountains”
AyoobA prophet’s name
AysarOne who is affluent
AyubCompanion of Prophet Muhammad- one who asks for pardon
AyyanSomeone who is religiously inclined- Gift of Allah
AyyashAyyash is a Muslim name that means ‘long lived’- or who has a good life
AyyubA prophet’s name
AzaanCall for the prayer
Azanto listen to hear be informed about
AzarudeenSushanths friend
AzazHonest Strong one Giving Respect
AzeebahSweet- A narrator of Hadith
AzeemDefender referring to one of Allah’s ninety-nine qualities
AzeesServant of the Mighty- The Powerful
AzharMost shining luminous
AzhmeerClever- wise
AzimDefender referring to one of Allah’s ninety-nine qualities
AzizNoble exhaulted
AzmatThe greatness
AzmiHonest one who keeps his word
AzraqBlue- Name of a companion of the prophet
AzraqiHe was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah
AzzaamDetermined- resolved
Az-ZahirThe manifest one
Az-ZâhirThe manifest
AzzamDetermined resolved

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