Muslim Baby Boy Names From A-Z

Updated on April 13, 2024 by Saurabh Chandwar

Muslim Baby Boy Names Start From Q

Able- Capable
QaabizIt means the special one among the ninety
QaadirAble- Powerful
QaanitSatisfied- Contented- Obedient- Submissive- Humble
QabidOne boy who is blessed by Allah
QabilAble- Capable
QadarDivine destiny- Powerful
QadaratA lover of nature
Qadeer/QadirAble- Powerful- Capable
QadhiHe who judges situations with justice
QadiHe who can judge the life
QahharA dominant person and stringent follower of Allah
QahirOne who conquers victoriously
Qahtan A traditional tribe in Arabia
QaidOne who can command his men
QaimRising- Standing- Existing
QaimaqThe bestower of goodness
QaisHe who is firm
QaisarAnother form of Caesar
Qajeer GulA lovable person who cares for his children
QalamOne who carves beautifully with a pen
QalandarHe who lives alone
QamarBeing like a moon
QamaruddinMoon of the religion (Islam)
QamirahHe who is shining like moonlight
QammarIt resembles the qualities of the lunar month
QamrunAs calm like a moon
QaniContent- Satisfied
Qanit Obedient and  Humble man
QarajaLiving under the power of Allah
QararPromise- Comfort- Succour
QareebOne who near to Allah
QarinOne who is impatient like the Sea
QarunA man rich in his soul
QaseemHe who divides justly
QasidMessenger of Allah
Qasidul HaqHe who spreads the world of Allah
QasimDivider distributor
QatadahA hardwood tree
QatawahA companion
QateelHe who sacrifices his life for Allah
QaweeThe powerful follower of Allah
QawiA man who is firm and strong by heart
QayyumSelf subsistent
QazafiOne who lives in the vast forest
QaziOne who is just and kind
QazzafiWide spacious extensive
So powerful and respected by all
QindilThe light of the family
QiwamSupport- Prop
QiwamuddinSupport of the religion (Islam)
QuakOne who sounds like a duck
QuamarBorn beneath the moon
QuarbaanReady to sacrifice life for a cause
QuasimOld generation
QubulOne who can accept change and concurrence
Quddoos/QudoosMost holy- He who is holy follower of Allah
QudratPower- Might- Strength- Nature- Pure- Clean- Queen
QudratullahPower of Allah
QudsHoliness- Sanctity
QudsiHoly- Sacred
QudwaBeing an example for society
QumrahThe person who is graced by the beauty of the moonlight
QunbarThe one who resembles by the quality of turnstone
QuraishLives to earn and gain successfully
QurashimThe symbol of love
QurbanHe who is ready to be a sacrifice for Allah
QureshiLeader in a tribe
QurramThe one who is happy always
QustaThe male meaning for majestic
Qutaiba/QutaybahIrritable impatient
QutbThe leader who is a celebrity also 
QutbahA personality that everyone is proud of 
QutbuddinHe who is leader of Islam
QutubA tall person
QutuzFirm as a rock
QuzamQuick to take decisions

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